Weekend Paroles

This weekend has been such a blast. I took a break from school and all the loadt lol and chilled with my ANY (all nations youth)  fam. It was too legit. I am in the youth choir and this song is what we're on. At first i wasn't into it but with several listens the lyrics have been ingrained in the heart of yours truly. So listen and remain blessed

So why was my weekend a blast? Well, I attended a 'women's net' organised by the women of my church. It's basically a gathering of women who want to grow and learn in the Lord. There were women of all ages in attendance yo. I had so much fun learning from the older generation. Honestly, I am always happy to hear from the experienced bunch. You get to learn what not to do, what to do, how to handle relationships, men, school, life, prayer. Infact everything under the sun and this is exactly what I need right now (Guidiance). I am only 21...i don't know much..so when older ladies talk i like to draw my ear :)

Then my ANY bro had a birthday partay :). Ahh it felt good to unwind and be yourself. There is justsomething about being amongst young people who are REAL. As in young people who are unashamed to declare Christ. There is so much peace in that sort of atmosphere. There is no need to act 'cool', you are able to share your struggles and set backs with your Walk. That is, thank God for the  blood. It sets you free in the most unimaginable way. There is nothing like peace of mind in Christ Jesus especially in this crazy world of today, deciet is only a conversation away #true talk. Surround yourself with people that challenge you, that stir up your christian faith, that speak life into you. It is so easy to walk by flesh and not by the SPIRIT (Galatians 5 vs 16)
 "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh" (NIV)

Before I dipp, here is my weekend FOTD
Hi there :)
"simple look for a simple weekend"

Women's net excitment :)