A festival of lippies

Hi :)

Don't know who am hailing but to those who are actually reading, or just looking or stalking, anihow the thing be....i dey hail o!

I decided to have a lip fest today because i've been so busy with clinical rotations i havn't had time to even be expressive, like its bad. I hope the looks make sense because its only boredom that drives my 'expressiveness' lol.. honestly. Before this post i had not worn makeup in over 2wks...abi is it 1 week and something :? (can't recall) but i have missed it soooo mush. The reason why my beloved and I have been apart is because of school o. Like my rotations give me no motivation to even wear eyeliner. It is that bad. Today sef you should have seen me...i woke up at 4.00am to catch the 6.26am bus for my 6.45 clinical rotation (on a saturday o). Like my big eyes looked like peas cause i was so sleepy. Thats why after clinicals, I decided to chill the rest of the day and do something 'not so nursing like'. This post consists of one eye look with different lip shades. I did this cause, I've realized that lipsticks can really transform a look from vampy, to cotton candy to neutral and i wanted to share the transformations. Enjoy sha :)
 I decided to try this vampy thing but since i don't have the cash to get
something vampy from mac or makeup forever so I decided to make a combo
The products used are very very cheap. So those on a budget can jump at this
I basically coated my lips with a balm ofc and used a black eyeliner to prime my lips.
The lipstick is something is got from nigeria for 500 naira. Its called black raspberry by
Island beauty.
Now it does not have staying power like your usual brand name lipstick but if
you don't mind re-applying BE MY GUEST :)

For the lips I combined a lipstick by Island beauty called Pure pink
(cost 500 naira)
with the kate moss (101) by rimmel (her lipstick line is divine)
This one is a mix of the sleek's naked and yve's rocher/s pistil brun
Said i was gon try the combo right?...well am ruffing the results :)

Now do you see how lipsticks can either cause havoc or beauty LOL. The last look has to be my fave. But before i dip. A message to my students outchea... 
I don't understand why people are shuffering and shmiling to get a brand name lipstick when you can combine a
500 naira lippie with a 100 naira lip liner to look vampylicious hehehe


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