Real techniques, walmart vs shoppers

I got the real techniques brush today yipeeee! Honestly i've been drooling over these brush for the longest time and it SORT of depressed me ( lol i know.. its not that serious) when it wasn't out in stores in canada.  But finally i have joined the pickup truck (yes pick up truck not band wagon) of ladies with real techniques (insert alingo dance :P).

I purchased them from walmart in the lincoln fields shopping center. I went there to buy watch for my clinical ooo na him i come find real techniques lol I COULD NOT RESIST!

10 from the kate moss collection :)
I also bought some lipsticks two days ago. I got 2 rimmel lippies from the kate moss line to be exact. Also got a gloss and lippie  from my aunt who's a beauty consultant for mary kay (free thinzzz). Anywho all i gotza say is that the kate moss lippies smell soooo yummy. Get on that! shoppers drug mart has them on sale for like $5.38 so plix plix 'ga zuor lipstick biko osisor osisor' ( for my igbo folks)

Ehn one more thing I bought the nearly naked foundation by revlon from shoppers for 13 dollars while walmart is selling for $10. PLZ my pledge now is  'i pledge to walmart my no one spot to serve and buy from you with all my strength' cuz shoppers sucks and I say this with rage. Stingy people mchewww i bought the caramel shade of the foundation and I did not even use the thing for a day (well, I sorta kinda opened it) and on returning it, those people refused to take it back kai. You know as an igbo babe i just had to get my 13 geez back. But mehn i gave up after two days of trying because the thing almost one turn insult. Soo i jus respecteh my selfeh,  threw the blasted thing away and did the 'woozah' 13 dollars won't kill me abeg
from left to right is 101, 10 and amber suede
favourite is 10 
The sexy real techniques it was $18.38 :)


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