

Hello everyone! Happy New Year! 

I hope ya'll had an amazing amazing christmas. I spent mine working, I ususally visit Nigeria around christmas time but as levels don change, I can't afford to be plane hopping every year without planning way in advance.

So these past few months as a fresh graduate has been tough and I will tell you why. Here are a few things that nobody ever told me will happen ....

1. A degree does not mean a job offer. Growing up i was always taught, believed and saw that, a degree = job offer. Whether na naija or na for obodoyigbo (abroad). That is hardly the case. This was a harsh reality for me. I realized this "You have a degree, so what?!" and I immediately had snap out of that "I just got my BscN and now am an RN" euphoria and get down to digging and searching for jobs, studing for interviews and praying for God to give me confidence. Trust confidence does lots as a new graduate.

2. You will surely face workplace discrimnation and bullying. Oh yh this one nursing school did not exactly prepare me for. I mean I took interprofessional courses, attended simulation classes and even wrote an evidenced based research paper on this but none of these things prepared me. Nawa (it's funny now), but damn it was not funny  when I constantly crying at home and dreading going to work. Am in a much better space now, I speak up for my self and in areas I lack (e.g not having 30 years of experience *side eye*), I make up for by studying and meeting as much expectations as  possible.

3. I was never told that I will miss school this much ( well my mum told me but i chose to ignore her). Honestly I miss being in class and secretly competing with my friends and meeting goals, deadlines. All that jazz. I miss it ALOT.

4. Nobody told me that I could be in a position to lead someone old enough to be my grandmother. Back in school we had nursing leadership classes which I  loved but always thought to myself "ah maybe after 5years I could lead", HA! shocker on my behind. Leadership was something that I was never prepared for out of school but the challenge has caused be to pull up my big girl draws and act as required. I love my team though because everyone helps out and wears a leadership where needed. **Thank your Lord** :)

5. Finally I never knew how much I would come to appreciate my parents for the sacrifices they've made over the years toiling day in and day out to ensure that a good chunk of their income goes into my education. The reason I say this is that I struggle with budgeting now and I ain't gat no kids, no car, no relative to send to school, just me myself and I and I tell you the struggle izzzz real. I can only imagine how much my parents had to deny themselves. I can honestly say that next to the love of Christ is the Love of a mother and father. Its like no other.

Overrall, i enjoy taking care of my patients. Advocating for them, ensuring their safe, helping them find meaning in their life has been very fulfilling. I was once told that nursing is a dirty job by a colleague of mine while in Uni but this is how I see it. One day this colleague could be in a hospital facing a unexpected life event and he would need me the nurse *with the dirty job* to brighten his day, to clean him up, advocate for him, to cry with him, to laugh or to just be present.

I have learnt that....i love being a nurse :)