How u doing (wendy accent). I am hexcited! to bring you a post about the wonderful working powers of the mac fix plus :)
There has always been a rave about this product, but i wasn't a believer till my friend ememstylo! (as i like to call her) introduced me to it. The product costs $26 in the store (but online it's suprisingly $21)and that was enough to scare me because all i saw was water in a plastic bottle but oh my friends this water carry super power lolz.
Mac calls it a skin refresher or finishing mist. I call it wonder water.
I discovered that i could use this product to get more intense shadows ( ofcourse with the aid of an eye primer). That is why i call it wonder water. This discover for me came while i was making up my friend divine. Here's her look
How I used tie fix plus: I picked up my desired shadow with my shader brush and then before spreading it over the lid, I used one spray from the bottle to mosited the shadow. It gives a brighter look on the lid trust me but you have to ensure that you have your shadow base too. I feel like that helps too
Well!. Thats all folks. Have an awesome aswesome day.